How To Find The Perfect Practitioner

    The day has finally come, clinics are re-opening and things are slowly returning to normal. For many clinics, this will mean an influx of patients, which is excellent but may be overwhelming if you don’t have enough staff or the correct staff.

    Clinic People are here to help and advise you on how to find the perfect practitioner for your clinic.

    Have clear expectations!

    In a dream world – you would be able to find an all singing, all dancing practitioner, who’s the perfect fit for your team. Sometimes, this dream can become a reality and you will find a practitioner with the perfect experience for you.

    However, a lot of the time, this is not always the case. If you’re struggling to find a clinician to fit the bill, you might need to ask yourself – ‘am I asking for the impossible?’.

    If you are advertising for a full time practitioner, you might find that a lot of qualified candidates are put off. Most aesthetic professionals have other jobs and do aesthetics part time, therefore advertising solely for permanent, full time professionals may not be the best approach. By being open to the type of employment and seeing what people can make work you may find your perfect practitioner!

    Be pro-active!

    If you have posted your job advertisement on all platforms and STILL have no suitable candidates, try revisiting the job post. See how you can make it more appealing, make it clear what you can offer the candidate, rather than just making demands of the candidates.

    Sell your clinic! Why is it a great place to work? What benefits will candidates get if they become part of the team? Make your job look like an opportunity which can’t be missed!

    If you are still having no luck, try LinkedIn! Make your account attractive and appealing and connect with people and approach them about the opportunity!

    Be open to training!

    Finding a practitioner who has all the experience you desire can be difficult! So be open to the prospect of getting someone on board who is less experienced and invest in them!

    Hiring someone with less experience can seem daunting but can be a real positive!

    You can mold them to the needs of your clinic and train them how you see fit!

    If you find a highly skilled practitioner who has the right attitude for your team, invest in them! If a practitioner has training and experience that can be transferable, it can be straightforward to get them up-to-speed with the specialties of your clinic.

    Try using a recruitment agency!

    Recruitment agencies can be a useful tool when it comes to finding the perfect candidate. Clinic People are experts in aesthetic recruitment and specialize in matching clinics to clinicians.

    We have a network of talented professionals looking for all kinds of opportunities and we make sure all our candidates are qualified and safe injectors.

    Using a recruitment agency has no real downside! Most agencies will only charge a fee if they find you a successful candidate. So, what are you waiting for?

    Contact Clinic People today and we can help you find your perfect candidate!

    020 3771 9662