Clinic People's CV Writing Tips!

    Clinic People's CV writing tips! 

    Writing a CV can always seem a laborious task, which we’ve all been guilty of putting off for weeks on end!! We understand that condensing your professional experience onto one document can be a daunting idea. But fear not, writing a CV doesn’t have to be hard work! We’ve done the hard work for you and have come up with the essential elements, plus a few industry top tips to add extra finesse. To get started we recommend breaking it down into 5 core elements to make it more manageable, this way the task won’t seem so overwhelming!

    Your profile 

    Start by introducing yourself and creating a short summary of your experience. Explain who you are, your key skills and why you’re interested in the appropriate industry. Keep it short to make room for all your other experience. We recommend no more than 4 sentences. Include relevant key words! Key words are extremely important on CVs - recruiters will key words through search engines and pick the most relevant CVs.


    Make sure you’re keeping your profile updated with your current and previous jobs, and other relevant experience. This will give recruiters and future employers a good idea of your professional experience, what you enjoy and areas of keen interest. That said, your CV doesn’t need to include when you used to babysit for your neighbours’ kids circa 2000, so do keep it relevant with your current job skill set. Ensure your most recent work experience is at the top of your CV then working down as a timeline, so it’s easy for recruiters to read.

     Volunteering / travelling

    Volunteering is a great opportunity to give back to local charities, help out within an area or sector that you’re interested in.  Volunteering opportunities can give you invaluable experience and insight as well as making a difference to people in need and communities. Showcasing previous volunteering experience and travelling can often peak recruiters and employers’ interest as it speaks volume about your personality, what’s important to you and makes you relatable.


    Including a few bullet points of your keen interests and hobbies is a great way to get your personality across over paper. Hearing about skills and experience is always great but recruiters/employers love when you go that extra mile and write a few of your hobbies and interests. This paints a picture in their heads of the type of person you are and whether you’ll be a good culture fit for their workplace.

    Contact info 

    It’s crucial you include your contact information on your CV so recruiters and employers can easily access your details and get in contact with you. The essential things to include are your full name, email address, phone number, and city or town you live in. Forgetting one of this is a common CV error, so make sure you don’t make this mistake!

     Our industry top tips

    • Keep it to 2 pages max
    • Keep it current, updated and record your career milestones as they happen
    • Include all your education and qualifications
    • Maintain a clear format and lay out
    • Bullet points are your best friend, they make it easy to scan read
    • Incorporate key sector buzz words for relevant jobs
    • Use numbers and stats to impress
    • Proofread numerous times and/or have a fresh pair of eyes read over
    • Check grammar and punctuation e.g use Grammarly
    • Don’t include references – your CV is an early stage so no need for these, keep as much space to write about your experience
    • Keep it truthful – no matter the little white lie!

    We’re here to help you!

    If you’re in need of any help Clinic People here to support you and make the process easier.

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