Clinic People's Top 5 CV Tips!

    Writing a CV can seem like a daunting task. How do you condense your professional life into a Word Document? Well, fear not! Clinic People are here to help you! We’ll ensure you create a CV that will stand out from the crowd and find your dream role! Sounds good? Read on to find out some winning tips from the trade…

    1. Make it short and snappy!

    It’s vital to write a CV that’s concise, clear and to the point! Make sure your CV is easy to navigate – with each section laid out in an easy, clear and logical order. This way you will naturally guide the reader on a journey and leave them with a clear, positive judgement of you.

    A CV really should not be longer than 2 pages! On average, employers spend 8 seconds looking at a CV – they want to see the key points, why you have the perfect experience, and are the ideal candidate for the role.

    2. Make it relevant! 

    Take out things that are irrelevant – unless directly relatable to the position you’re applying for. Yes that’s right, it’s time to take out the volunteering you did whilst at school!

    Tailor your CV for the job you are applying for! We’ve all made a one-size-fits all CV and sent it out for multiple jobs. But that won’t make you stand out, it’s time to get specific! Employers want to see why you are perfect for their particular role. Take the time to customize your CV to each role you apply for. Research the company and use the job description to work out what skills and experience you should point out to them.

    3. Make it personal! 

    Include a personal statement at the start of your CV to emphasize to the employer why you are special, what you can bring to their company and detail how your experience makes you the perfect candidate.

    Job hunting is difficult and competitive, you could be up against multiple people who have similar experience and skill set. So make your CV personal and likeable! Tell the employer who you are and why you are the perfect candidate for the job – find your USP and tell them about it. Find out what makes you stand out from the crowd and shout about it!

    4. Make it look good! 

    You could also get creative with it! Use a funky design and you could include a picture of yourself for an extra personal touch. It will make you more memorable and make more of an impression on the employer. However, remember not to go too left field, remain professional with your design, and ask yourself is this the type of recruiter who would appreciate comic sans or Word Art? Probably not.

    Presentation is key and first impressions start with your CV’s appearance, so make it count! Take time to make it look professional and unique! Use short sentences and bullet points to make it clear and easy for the employer to read.

    5. Make use of key words! 

    Keywords are very important! Especially if you are uploading your CV to job sites where recruiter’s can find you. Employers and recruiters use key words to search for candidates, so make sure you’re using them! Use the job description and company website for specific words the employer may be looking for.

    Contact Clinic People for information about our current vacancies and let us help you find your dream job!

    Clinic People are here to help you craft the perfect CV and find you the perfect position.

    Use these top tips to help your CV stand out from the crowd and secure your dream job!

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